
Children's Ministry

Our ministry in Magheracross Parish starts for the 0 to 4 year olds with the Mother and Toddler Group on a Tuesday morning. This leads on to the Sunday School for the primary school years, which is held during the Family Worship on a Sunday morning.

For the first year pupils in High school we have combined with the Methodist Church in MORPH held in the Methodist Church Hall during Family Worship on a Sunday Morning. This is run by our Youth Minister. B & B (Bible and breakfast) for the second year pupils is held before the Family Worship service , to which participants are encouraged to attend.

Confirmation classes are held in the new year for any wishing to be confirmed.

Youth Fellowship for year 10+ is held on a Sunday 8.00pm to 10.00pm in the Methodist hall.

A summer holiday camp is run for a week during the school holidays for 4 to 11 year olds and is open to all in the community.

A number of children and youths from the parish attend Soul Mates and Summer Madness.

Our ministry continues through the Girl's Friendly Society for girls and the Scouts along with the badminton club for both girls and boys.


In addition to the three services on a Sunday there is a prayer meeting each Thursday at 7.30pm in the Parish Room. Also a home group meets fortnightly on a Tuesday at 8.00pm.

There is a strong Mother's Union which along with the Bowls and Badminton clubs keeps everyone fit.

For the more elderly amongst us there is a lunch club which meets on a Friday during term time. This combines with the Friday club each 3rd Friday for entertainment and speakers.